Mormons Rock

January 31, 2008

Is there a nice way to call someone an IDIOT???

Filed under: LDS,Mormons — by steffielynn @ 2:44 am
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No, I don’t think there is.  But I feel very strongly about people who call themselves “Christians” and yet they lie and twist the beliefs of the LDS faith, now I know I just wrote a post about Charity, so I am trying the best I can to be as loving as I can in this situation.   (and I realize I am not doing a very good job, sorry)

OK, I’m sure you would like to know why, right?!?

Bill Keller.  Do you know who he is?  If not I am so sorry that I am introducing you to this man.   And I will warn you that this is really upsetting (so if you can’t stomach the anti, do not read any further!)  😦

So basically this guy is a Internet and television “evangelist” He has a website called “Live Prayer”.  This guy claims to have millions of followers, and he sends out a “Daily Devotional” to these millions of subscribers. 

Yesterday he sent out a “devotional” about Pres. Hinckley’s passing, He entitled his “devotional”….

“An Evil Tool of Satan Masquerading as a Godly Grandfather is Burning in Hell”I’m not going to paraphrase I will just leave the link and you can read it if you choose.’m discusted by this guys disrespect but not only that he is sending out false info about our church to people who BELIEVE him.  I know we are asked to stear clear of the anti bologna, but I think every LDS person out there should know what this guy is saying and teaching millions of people, and we should stand up and say NO WAY DUDE, you WILL NOT get away with this.YOUR thoughts???

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