Mormons Rock

August 12, 2008

It’s been awhile!

Filed under: happiness,LDS,life,Mormons — by steffielynn @ 8:01 pm
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I did not intend to take such a long break, but it was good for me.  Here’s what I’ve been doing,

My husband came home for a month in Feb/March, we had a great time, and we were able to go to Disney World for a whole week!

My son played spring ball (baseball) his team went to the championship and won!  They were undefeated, and I had such a blast! 

My husband came home FOR GOOD in July!  and it is so great to have him back!

We went to California for a month to visit friends and family, and that was actually a little sad, but I’ll tell you about that later.

And now it’s back to school time, and time for me to find a JOB! 

So that’s the gist of what I have been doing for the last 6 months.

I’ll write more later, I just wanted to tell ya that I’m back!!!  🙂

January 7, 2008

Why Mormons ARE Christian, AND why I love them so stinkin much.

Let’s define Christian.  It’s simple, and so many people try to complicate it. 

A Christian is a believer and a follower of Jesus Christ.  A Christian is loving, kind, humble, charitable, or in other words Christ like. 

I have been having the most interesting (which is the nicest word I can come up with) conversation on another blog. 

There are a few good people on the blog, and then there are the most hateful folks I have ever encountered.  And I have met some pretty awful people.  They call themselves “Christian” and yet they lack the qualities of true Christians.  They twist LDS beliefs, and then when an LDS person comes to defend their faith they call us liars.   They judge, and then justify their actions by saying it’s ok to judge NON Christians. 

This is why I LOVE Mormons.  I have never heard hateful things about any other person or religion come from ANYBODY’S mouth.  They are the kindest most loving people I have ever met.  They even love those who hate them.  You Mormons out there are such amazing examples.  Thank you all for being so flippin wonderful. 

So many people try to bring up the “you joined because you felt accepted and they befriended you”.  Which is not true, I did not know ONE member when I joined.  I joined because I prayed, and my prayer was answered.  BUT, the LDS people have shown me a glimpse of My Heavenly Father, and His Son because of their loving examples!

The intent of these hateful people is to tear us down and deceive others.  But the only thing they have succeeded in, is reminding me how grateful I am for the Gospel, and how grateful I am for the awesome Mormons in my life, and those that I will meet in the future.

To all those who are hateful and judgemental, I feel so sorry for you, my heart goes out to you, I hope one day you open your heart and see the truth, and you will be blessed with happiness, peace, and love!

My love to you all!  YOU MORMONS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas??? I hope so….

Filed under: faith,happiness,Jesus Christ,LDS,life,love,Mormons — by steffielynn @ 12:34 am
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This Christmas has been extremly sad and difficult for myself and my children with my husband being so far away. 

It’s also hitting me a bit harder when people comment here regarding my faith in my Savior, whom I hold so dear to my heart.  Because it is Christmas, I want to be happy and focus on the Savior, without being told that I am not a “Christian”.

The reason I started this blog was to help people understand that Mormons are great people, who try there best to live according to what they know to be true. 

But instead people come here and try to tear down our beliefs. 

 My hope was that people would want to hear us.  Instead they close their ears and talk over us.

I used to be anti too, but one day I figured it was only fair to hear what an actual Mormon had to say, rather then listen to all the non Mormons preach about what Mormons believe.  I’m so glad that I did. 

 My hope is for all God’s children (which is EVERYONE) will have the kind of peace that I have found.  I will always hope for this, even when others are hateful and mean. 

Because of the sadness I feel right now, I have decided to shut down my blog.  I will be opening it back up after the new year.  Hopefully this will give everyone a break, and we can start fresh.

 My hope will always stay the same, that people will find that the LDS faith is true and wonderful, that the church has been restored, that God loves His children and He still talks to us. 

I know that my Savior lives, because of his sacrifice my burdens have been lifted,  I have peace in my heart, and happiness in my soul.   I love Him with everything inside of me! 

If anyone wants to reach me you can email me at

All my love to all of you!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Until next year…

🙂    steffielynn  🙂

November 16, 2007


This Youtube was dedicated to a different person, but now I have found it and I dedicate it to RON! 🙂

I just had to make a post for Ron, he is amazing, and I am so excited for him and his family!  He will be getting baptized tommorrow, and I will so be there for him in spirit 🙂

And Ron remember, tommorrow you will be able to leave all the yucky ol sins behind, you will rise from the waters clean and new! 

Ron, I just know that Heavenly Father is jumping for joy because of the decision you have made (and so am I 🙂  )

 Here is a link to his blog, and anti’s are NOT welcome!

RON YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 11, 2007

Rainbows or water falls…..

“You don’t have the power to make rainbows or waterfalls, sunsets or roses, but you do have the power to bless people by your words and smiles… You carry within you the power to make the world better…”
          –Sharon G. Larsen, “Standing with God,” Ensign, May 2000, 88

Mathew 25:40
Mosiah 2:17

Scatter Sunshine, Hymn # 230
Listen | Text | Interactive | About

What else needs to be said?

 Here is the link to LDS Nuggets

November 1, 2007


Filed under: blog,faith,Jesus Christ,LDS,life,love,Mormons,salvation,saved — by steffielynn @ 10:51 pm
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This is a word used to describe how I feel at this moment. 

 I read through my blog, I read the comments, and I am saddened.  Why do people care what I believe?  If I feel what I am doing is right, why must people try to PROVE me wrong?  Is it that they want to be right?  Are they trying to “save” my soul? 

If they are trying to save me, why are they so rude?  Why would I want to join up with a group of unloving people?   

How can anyone prove a belief?  How can someone say they are right and I am wrong? 

I am sad.  I wish I could change the world, I wish I could give people what I have, I wish people understood.  I wish people would listen and respect others, especially if THEY believe that person is wrong.  (but they might actually learn something!  That’s a scary thought!)

October 25, 2007

“Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums.”

“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.”

 Ezra Taft Benson

October 20, 2007

What do YOU believe?

I have a lot of people come to my blog who disagree with my beliefs.  Many times they come here and try to TELL me what I believe.  I feel this is strange, because I feel I am an expert on my own personal beliefs. 

So I am creating this post so that you can tell us what it is YOU believe.  You can write as much or as little as you want.  I ask that EVERYONE be respectful of others. 

I will start us off.

I believe the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. 

I believe the Gospel has been restored in it’s fulness to the earth. 

I believe that God still speaks to us through prophets. 

I believe that our families can be together forever. 

I believe that Jesus Christ is Gods literal Son. 

I believe He lived and He died for me, so that I may live. 

I believe we are saved by His atoning sacrifice.  By grace. 

I believe that once we are saved we must change our hearts and our lives. 

I believe we must live by His teachings, and do what He has commanded.

I believe in a  loving and kind Heavenly Father.  I believe He wants ALL His children to return to Him. 

I love my Father in Heaven, and I love His Son, my Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the gospel and the change it has brought into my life.  I am grateful for the change it has brought to my family, and I hope and pray that all who seek Him will find Him.

I leave you with these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  

Ok.   Now, tell me what you believe 🙂

October 18, 2007

Love is spoken here!

Filed under: blog,elders,faith,happiness,Jesus Christ,LDS,life,love,missionaries,Mormons — by steffielynn @ 3:53 pm
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Love is spoken here.  This is the theme of my blog.  So be nice, only speak in love here 🙂  and please listen to this song, it is the most beautiful and inspiring song I have heard. 


Two and a half years ago we had two missionaries knock on the door.  I remember that day clearly.  It was in April, it was a VERY cold day.  I was actually at my friends house for her little girls party.  There were a bunch of people at this party and we were all in the living room.  When we saw 2 missionaries walking up the driveway EVERYONE left the room, except me.  Now normally I would not answer the door, because well, this was not my home.  But because I was left alone I decided to answer.  So I opened the door, beer in hand, and there they stood.  Freezing, shaking, they introduced themselves to me.  I offered them a beer (yes I know it was rude, and I feel bad) but the graciously declined, and I saw this sparkle in them.  It was weird.  So I informed them this was not my house, and so they made an appointment to come to my home. 

When they came over I really gave it to them.  I was very ignorant about their beliefs, and so I began with a “mormons are going to hell”,speech and I remember them being so kind, and they then went over all my opinions and questions, and taught me some of what they actually believed.  Now I did not have the intention to listen to them, I was out to “save” them.  We ended our discussion and made another appointment. 

 So we had a few more discussions, and one day my husband came home early from work.  So he joined in.  He actually felt that what they taught made a lot of sense.  I was a little disturbed by this, and I informed the Elders I would never join their church.  Soon though my husband was fully involved and did not mind continuing our lessons.

  This is when I became very confused. For some reason we wanted these Elders around ALL the time.  We loved them.  They would leave our house and my husband and I would stand in our doorway feeling very sad.  They had something about them that we couldn’t figure out.  Something that left our home when they left. 

So at this time I was confused.  I felt like what they were saying was right. But how could this be?  Mormons were all going to hell!

 So I prayed.  And I found out that these Elders were speaking the truth.  And what they had was what I was missing.  And now That wonderful feeling is in my heart and in my home always.  We were able to reconize the spirit. 

Because these two missionaries loved the Lord so much they took 2 years out of their lives to spread the gospel.  They were the tool the Lord used to help my family find happiness and truth. 

I love missionaries, they by far the most amazing people I have ever met.  I will forever be grateful for what they did for my family.

When you have missionaries knock at the door, don’t be so quick to shoo them away.  They have an awesome message to share that will forever change your life!!!

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